News and Updates

Out of the Shadows Walk

18 Aug 2022

Stephanie Sims


Coinciding with World Suicide Prevention Day, Saturday 10 September 2022, the Out of the Shadows Walk unites people from different backgrounds and communities who have been impacted by the death of a loved one through suicide. The Sawtell Ukulele Group are honoured to be bringing some music to the morning.

Lifeline North Coast NSW invites you to join the sunrise walk to raise awareness, remember those lost to suicide, and support those who are impacted and continue to struggle with suicide. The walk commences at 5.45am at the Jetty Foreshore steps close to the Yacht Club and the coffee kiosk and should take around an hour to complete. Members of the Sawtell Ukulele Group will be waiting for your return providing music and sprinkling a little early morning joy.

For catering purposes please register: If you have any questions regarding the Walk, please contact the Linfeline North Coast office on 02 6651 4093.