Movable Chord Shapes

This video is all about movable chord shapes – which will help us explore different chord inversions and allow us to find options for some of the trickier chords. What tends to happen with ukulele players is we stick with songs in the key of C – because these chords are easier to play (C, Am, F and G).  Keys like E (which are classic rock keys) we tend to avoid and transpose back into the key of C.  This is rather limiting. So we are going to look at three key chord shapes and show that there are many ways to play a chord. You can download the image of the freboard in the first download sheet, and I’ve included a PDF tutorial by Mike Pope (2019) that gives a lot more detail.

Video Tutorials

Original Song Video on Youtube

Harmonies (Audio Files) 

Listen to Harmonies (Audio Files) if any: