Try A Little Kindness
In this tutorial we are going to learn the delightful song, ‘Try a Little Kindness’ – inspired by the version by the DoaneUschool featuring Jann Arden. It’s a simple song but does use the ‘E’ chord which we often avoid on the ukulele as it can be a little tricky. But I know we can do it. I’ll be teaching this song to both SMUG and SWUG and I’m planning a collaboration with a local Children’s Choir for when we are finally able to get out there and perform again. So download the Sheet Music, watch the videos, have a listen to the Audio File where Michelle sings the melody for our version and I look forward to playing this one with you!
Video Tutorials
Original Song Video on Youtube
Harmonies (Audio Files)
Listen to Harmonies (Audio Files) if any: